Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

I brought you some candy....from Jesus!

My oldest daughter is hilarious. I'm sure every parent thinks their kid is the funniest kid on the planet and I'm no different. She's so random. Like yesterday, when she came up to me holding her plastic Halloween jack-o-lantern candy bucket and said, "Mommy, I surprised you. And I brought you some candy.....from Jesus. Say 'thank you Jesus'." Then she proceeded to reprimand me when I didn't immediately thank Jesus.

Disclaimer: I do not keep Halloween candy in my house until June. Her bucket was empty. So essentially she was asking me to thank Jesus for non-existent candy.

I'm pretty sure Jesus doesn't even want us to eat candy anyway, but I didn't argue because I've been trying to stress to her the importance of being thankful for what you have- which means thanking Jesus for all her blessings. And I guess if she considers candy a blessing she should thank Jesus for it. And her dentist should thank Him, too.

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