On Thursday night I got a text from my friend Darlene, telling me that her husband had decided not to go to the Taylor Swift concert on Friday- and asked if I wanted his ticket. Did she even have to ask? Of course I did! Darlene and I always have a blast together anyway and I had really wanted to go to this concert- but since it sold out in eleven minutes, I had given up! Darlene's daughter Ashley and her boyfriend went with us. The concert was amazing- the girl really put on a good show. After the concert we decided to go to Waffle House, which has become sort of a "post-concert" tradition for Darlene and me. The best part of the night, other than the concert itself, was when a couple of boys at the booth behind us in Waffle House kept using extremely foul language and Darlene turned around and told them to knock it off because there were ladies present. She is my hero! :)
Here are a couple of pics of Darlene and me in front of Taylor's bus. It was another fun night with a great friend.

On Saturday we had an extremely busy day planned, and I decided to add fuel to the fire by asking my sister if she wanted to take the kids to get their pictures done for our mom for Mother's Day. We already had to go buy baby shower gifts, go to a birthday party, attend said baby shower, and go to Sam's to pick up a cake for a reception at my church the next day. Why I thought adding a photo session into the mix was a good idea, I will never know. The pictures didn't go nearly as well as planned and it was a completely stressful experience, but we did end up getting one nice large picture for my mom. The pictures took forever, mostly because they were running 40 minutes behind, so we ended up being a half hour late for the birthday party. The party was for our sweet friend Becca who was celebrating her first birthday. The party was at Gymboree, and I think Lucy had more fun than anyone. Since Lucy and I used to go to My Gym I guess she had a pretty good idea of what to do. Tristan couldn't participate in quite as many activities as Lucy, but he did enjoy the "boat ride" and the see-saw. I thought the party was great. It didn't last very long, but at that age it doesn't need to. It was the perfect party for a one year old and her friends.
After the party we headed to Sarah's baby shower, which we were 45 minutes late for. I hate being late, and on Saturday I was late twice. Being late just stresses me out, but thankfully we were able to enjoy the shower. Sarah is actually a friend of my sister's, but I have gotten to know her as well and she and her husband James are going to be wonderful parents. I love baby showers and I'd be lying if I said my baby fever didn't go into overdrive as I watched her open her gifts. All the tiny little socks, bibs, and hooded towels were almost enough to make me go throw my BC in the trash when I got home- but I didn't. Michael and I have a deal, and trust me when I say it won't be long until I actually do get rid of it. But you didn't hear that from me.....
After the shower we headed to Sam's so I could pick up the cake and get punch ingredients. My sister and I decided neither of us were in the mood to cook, so we ordered takeout from Olive Garden and took it home to our husbands. By the time we got home Lucy was conked out- we just changed her diaper and put some pajama shorts on her. We didn't even change her shirt. The poor girl was exhausted!
I went to bed really early on Saturday night. On Sunday we went to church and then ate Japanese with some friends from church- and also made plans with the same friends for Cinco de Mayo! Everyone is going to take their favorite Mexican dish over to Thad and Darlene's and we're going to watch American Idol together. I'm really looking forward to that! We had plans to go to a movie with some couples from church on Sunday night but we all decided we were too tired. It was a busy, exhausting, fun-filled weekend.
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