I have really started feeling guilty about how little time I spend reading my Bible. And when I say little, I mean hardly ever. I pray a lot. I'm almost in a constant state of prayer. But if I'm not in the Word I can't possibly be fulfilling God's purpose for my life- at least not all of it. So I've decided that I'm going to start small and work my way up. I have never read the Bible in its entirety and my plan now is to do just that. I'm going to read it in chronological order, three chapters at a time. I started yesterday with Genesis 1-3, today I will read Genesis 4-6, and so on...until I finish. There may be days when I have the time to read more and I will, but my goal is to read no less than three chapters a day. I have no idea how long this will take, but I won't stop until I'm finished. If anyone feels like joining me, please feel free. It's always more fun to do things in a group!
Some girlfriends and I went to see the movie "Julie & Julia" last weekend and right away I started talking about how I can't wait to read the book. I love to read, and sometimes I will read for hours at a time because the book I'm reading is just so fabulous I can't put it down. Why don't I put the same effort into reading the Book that my beliefs are built upon, the Book that is the basis for who I am? The only answer I can come up with is that I'm a little lazy when it comes to spending time in the Word. Honestly, it's much easier to read fiction. It's easier to understand. I know that when I open my Bible not everything will always make sense to me. But that's okay. I'm not skilled to understand. I know that if I spend time reading the Bible every day God will bless me in some way and I will begin to walk closer to Him than I do now. I talk to Him daily. It's time for me to allow Him to speak to me through His perfect Word.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Baby #2
Baby # 2 is on his or her way! I'm due in March, just nine days after Lucy's birthday- and two days before her actual due date. So it looks like we're going to be flat broke in the month of March for the next 18 years..... :)
We went to my first doctor's appointment last week and had an ultrasound. My doctor told me that it looked like there was only one sac and that he thinks there's only one baby, but that they would confirm it at our 12 week ultrasound. Silly me, I didn't even think to ask what in God's creation he meant by that. Instead, I waited until we were back in the car and asked my husband what he thought it meant. And he didn't know. So I'm just assuming that there's a small possibility of twins (and yes, they do run in my family) and that if there's only one sac they would be identical. I've always wanted three kids anyway, but the idea of twins is frightening. At the same time, now that I've been told that there's even a remote possiblity that I could be having twins, I will probably be disappointed if I find out I'm not. I know, it makes no sense. Either way, we are very excited to be expanding our family.
Please remember us and our little one in your prayers. :)
We went to my first doctor's appointment last week and had an ultrasound. My doctor told me that it looked like there was only one sac and that he thinks there's only one baby, but that they would confirm it at our 12 week ultrasound. Silly me, I didn't even think to ask what in God's creation he meant by that. Instead, I waited until we were back in the car and asked my husband what he thought it meant. And he didn't know. So I'm just assuming that there's a small possibility of twins (and yes, they do run in my family) and that if there's only one sac they would be identical. I've always wanted three kids anyway, but the idea of twins is frightening. At the same time, now that I've been told that there's even a remote possiblity that I could be having twins, I will probably be disappointed if I find out I'm not. I know, it makes no sense. Either way, we are very excited to be expanding our family.
Please remember us and our little one in your prayers. :)
Friday, June 05, 2009
Worry Wart
I think I was genetically predispositioned to be a worry wart. I come from a long line of worry warts and am a direct descendant of the biggest worry wart on the planet- my dad.
This is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because, in general, when you stress out about everything and think things are going to turn out terribly, you are usually pleasantly surprised. It's a curse because it's very rare that I truly relax and just enjoy myself, because there's always something I can be worrying about instead. Who wants to relax when they can worry themselves into a tizzy? Not me. I'm much happier being stressed out to the max.
Becoming a mother has somehow made me more and less of a worrier. I worry more, obviously, because I am responsible for the health and happiness of another human being. When Lucy is out of my sight I worry about her. It's only natural. At the same time, I worry less about silly things like work. Not that work is silly. I take pride in my work and I appreciate the two to three days a week I spend in the company of adults. But in the grand scheme of things, my job certainly doesn't define me. My roles as a wife and mother are far more important than any job I will ever have, and that's the way it is. Before I had Lucy I was working full-time and I remember coming home from work and just being stressed out about the next day before it even started. After Lucy came along I suddenly had the ability to leave any work-related stress right where it belongs- in the office. When I go home I have a sweet little girl to spend my time with, and that time is way too precious for me to be worrying about what's going on at work.
I have always worried about the little things, and most of the time everything turns out fine. One of my favorite scriptures is also one of the most simple- Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. It seems easy enough, but completely surrendering and just having peace and knowing that God is in control is sometimes very difficult. I'm not only a worrier but also a control freak, and I tend to worry most when I'm not in control of a situation. The reality is I should worry the least when I'm not in control, because let's face it- I have the ability to really mess things up. God doesn't! He has a perfect plan and my constant worrying does nothing to help accomplish His will for my life. If anything it hinders it.
This post comes as a result of a situation I was in on Wednesday that had my stomach in knots until it was resolved, which wasn't until 24 hours later. I prayed and prayed on Wednesday that God would resolve the problem quickly- and when I said quickly I meant before dinner! Of course things always happen in His time, not mine. And I truly believe He used this circumstance to remind me that worrying really doesn't help. He is constantly watching over me and He knows what's best for me. In this case, He let me worry a little to remind me that worrying does very little to actually help the situation. If I would just give everything to Him and worry a little less I would be a much happier person, and a much more effective witness.
I see God perform miracles every day, yet I worry about whether or not a UPS delivery is going to arrive on time. It doesn't make much sense, does it?
Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. ~1 Peter 5:7
This is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because, in general, when you stress out about everything and think things are going to turn out terribly, you are usually pleasantly surprised. It's a curse because it's very rare that I truly relax and just enjoy myself, because there's always something I can be worrying about instead. Who wants to relax when they can worry themselves into a tizzy? Not me. I'm much happier being stressed out to the max.
Becoming a mother has somehow made me more and less of a worrier. I worry more, obviously, because I am responsible for the health and happiness of another human being. When Lucy is out of my sight I worry about her. It's only natural. At the same time, I worry less about silly things like work. Not that work is silly. I take pride in my work and I appreciate the two to three days a week I spend in the company of adults. But in the grand scheme of things, my job certainly doesn't define me. My roles as a wife and mother are far more important than any job I will ever have, and that's the way it is. Before I had Lucy I was working full-time and I remember coming home from work and just being stressed out about the next day before it even started. After Lucy came along I suddenly had the ability to leave any work-related stress right where it belongs- in the office. When I go home I have a sweet little girl to spend my time with, and that time is way too precious for me to be worrying about what's going on at work.
I have always worried about the little things, and most of the time everything turns out fine. One of my favorite scriptures is also one of the most simple- Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. It seems easy enough, but completely surrendering and just having peace and knowing that God is in control is sometimes very difficult. I'm not only a worrier but also a control freak, and I tend to worry most when I'm not in control of a situation. The reality is I should worry the least when I'm not in control, because let's face it- I have the ability to really mess things up. God doesn't! He has a perfect plan and my constant worrying does nothing to help accomplish His will for my life. If anything it hinders it.
This post comes as a result of a situation I was in on Wednesday that had my stomach in knots until it was resolved, which wasn't until 24 hours later. I prayed and prayed on Wednesday that God would resolve the problem quickly- and when I said quickly I meant before dinner! Of course things always happen in His time, not mine. And I truly believe He used this circumstance to remind me that worrying really doesn't help. He is constantly watching over me and He knows what's best for me. In this case, He let me worry a little to remind me that worrying does very little to actually help the situation. If I would just give everything to Him and worry a little less I would be a much happier person, and a much more effective witness.
I see God perform miracles every day, yet I worry about whether or not a UPS delivery is going to arrive on time. It doesn't make much sense, does it?
Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. ~1 Peter 5:7
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Krystal Burgers, Babies, and Vacation......
I was sitting here earlier watching Lucy eat a Krystal burger and something about it made me sad. The way she sat there eating it reminded me that she's not a baby anymore. She wasn't cramming it into her mouth and making a mess. She just held it in both hands and took small bites like a normal person. She's really turning into a big girl. She knows so much and has opinions about everything. It seems like yesterday that I was videotaping her rolling over.
Three people I know have become either parents or grandparents in the last 24 hours, and I can't tell you how many pregnant women I know. I think it's time for Lucy to have a sibling! There's nothing like knowing three thousand pregnant ladies to turn baby fever into a full blown sickness.
I am really looking forward to our vacation next month. We may not have chosen the most toddler-friendly destination (New York City!) but I'm just so happy to be spending a whole week with my husband and my daughter- just the three of us, with no work, no distractions, and and as little stress as possible. We're taking Lucy to American Girl for lunch and to look at the dolls- and who knows, maybe Santa will get some ideas while we're there! We're also planning on going to see the Cardinals play the Mets. Other than that we don't really have any huge plans. I guess we'll just take things one day at a time. There are a ton of children's museums there so we'll probably spend a day at one of them. I'm just so excited- a big city with so much to do, and some quality family time with my husband and this little cutie........

Three people I know have become either parents or grandparents in the last 24 hours, and I can't tell you how many pregnant women I know. I think it's time for Lucy to have a sibling! There's nothing like knowing three thousand pregnant ladies to turn baby fever into a full blown sickness.
I am really looking forward to our vacation next month. We may not have chosen the most toddler-friendly destination (New York City!) but I'm just so happy to be spending a whole week with my husband and my daughter- just the three of us, with no work, no distractions, and and as little stress as possible. We're taking Lucy to American Girl for lunch and to look at the dolls- and who knows, maybe Santa will get some ideas while we're there! We're also planning on going to see the Cardinals play the Mets. Other than that we don't really have any huge plans. I guess we'll just take things one day at a time. There are a ton of children's museums there so we'll probably spend a day at one of them. I'm just so excited- a big city with so much to do, and some quality family time with my husband and this little cutie........

Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Thank you to the ones who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that I can be free. I am so thankful for the men and women who serve our country so bravely and selflessly. You are the reason we remain the greatest country in the world. God Bless America!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
I know I'm a little late, but......
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! This week has been extremely busy and I've barely had time to think, let alone blog. But I hope every mom had a day as wonderful as mine was. It's pretty amazing to think that not only to we get to be mommies to our little munchkins, which is the greatest gift God could have ever given women, but we also get an entire day devoted to us. When Lucy woke me up and said, "Happy Mother's Day" it made my heart sing. She is the sweetest little girl. I'm so blessed.
At church on Sunday morning they recognized all the mothers, of course, and gave out some gifts to some of the special moms- like the oldest and newest mothers. A girl in our church also made a video of people in the church wishing their moms a Happy Mother's Day and saying what they loved most about their mom. She really did a great job, and the very last thing on the video was a shot of Lucy saying, "I love you, Mommy". That made my day. I didn't even think they would include Lucy in the video but they did, and it was so special to me.
After church we went to my sister's house to have lunch with my mom and then we headed over to Michael's dad's house that afternoon to go swimming. Michael's sister Jamie and her family are visiting us this week, and Michael's dad got us both roses for Mother's Day. It very unexpected and very sweet. Jamie and I also went out for pedicures the night before, so all in all I would say I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
I have lots more to share about our visit with my sister-in-law and her family, but it will have to wait! Have a wonderful weekend.
The Princess and me at church on Mother's Day
Three Generations on Mother's Day
At church on Sunday morning they recognized all the mothers, of course, and gave out some gifts to some of the special moms- like the oldest and newest mothers. A girl in our church also made a video of people in the church wishing their moms a Happy Mother's Day and saying what they loved most about their mom. She really did a great job, and the very last thing on the video was a shot of Lucy saying, "I love you, Mommy". That made my day. I didn't even think they would include Lucy in the video but they did, and it was so special to me.
After church we went to my sister's house to have lunch with my mom and then we headed over to Michael's dad's house that afternoon to go swimming. Michael's sister Jamie and her family are visiting us this week, and Michael's dad got us both roses for Mother's Day. It very unexpected and very sweet. Jamie and I also went out for pedicures the night before, so all in all I would say I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
I have lots more to share about our visit with my sister-in-law and her family, but it will have to wait! Have a wonderful weekend.
The Princess and me at church on Mother's Day

Monday, May 04, 2009
Busy but Fun
We had a crazy weekend.
On Thursday night I got a text from my friend Darlene, telling me that her husband had decided not to go to the Taylor Swift concert on Friday- and asked if I wanted his ticket. Did she even have to ask? Of course I did! Darlene and I always have a blast together anyway and I had really wanted to go to this concert- but since it sold out in eleven minutes, I had given up! Darlene's daughter Ashley and her boyfriend went with us. The concert was amazing- the girl really put on a good show. After the concert we decided to go to Waffle House, which has become sort of a "post-concert" tradition for Darlene and me. The best part of the night, other than the concert itself, was when a couple of boys at the booth behind us in Waffle House kept using extremely foul language and Darlene turned around and told them to knock it off because there were ladies present. She is my hero! :)
Here are a couple of pics of Darlene and me in front of Taylor's bus. It was another fun night with a great friend.

On Saturday we had an extremely busy day planned, and I decided to add fuel to the fire by asking my sister if she wanted to take the kids to get their pictures done for our mom for Mother's Day. We already had to go buy baby shower gifts, go to a birthday party, attend said baby shower, and go to Sam's to pick up a cake for a reception at my church the next day. Why I thought adding a photo session into the mix was a good idea, I will never know. The pictures didn't go nearly as well as planned and it was a completely stressful experience, but we did end up getting one nice large picture for my mom. The pictures took forever, mostly because they were running 40 minutes behind, so we ended up being a half hour late for the birthday party. The party was for our sweet friend Becca who was celebrating her first birthday. The party was at Gymboree, and I think Lucy had more fun than anyone. Since Lucy and I used to go to My Gym I guess she had a pretty good idea of what to do. Tristan couldn't participate in quite as many activities as Lucy, but he did enjoy the "boat ride" and the see-saw. I thought the party was great. It didn't last very long, but at that age it doesn't need to. It was the perfect party for a one year old and her friends.
On Thursday night I got a text from my friend Darlene, telling me that her husband had decided not to go to the Taylor Swift concert on Friday- and asked if I wanted his ticket. Did she even have to ask? Of course I did! Darlene and I always have a blast together anyway and I had really wanted to go to this concert- but since it sold out in eleven minutes, I had given up! Darlene's daughter Ashley and her boyfriend went with us. The concert was amazing- the girl really put on a good show. After the concert we decided to go to Waffle House, which has become sort of a "post-concert" tradition for Darlene and me. The best part of the night, other than the concert itself, was when a couple of boys at the booth behind us in Waffle House kept using extremely foul language and Darlene turned around and told them to knock it off because there were ladies present. She is my hero! :)
Here are a couple of pics of Darlene and me in front of Taylor's bus. It was another fun night with a great friend.

On Saturday we had an extremely busy day planned, and I decided to add fuel to the fire by asking my sister if she wanted to take the kids to get their pictures done for our mom for Mother's Day. We already had to go buy baby shower gifts, go to a birthday party, attend said baby shower, and go to Sam's to pick up a cake for a reception at my church the next day. Why I thought adding a photo session into the mix was a good idea, I will never know. The pictures didn't go nearly as well as planned and it was a completely stressful experience, but we did end up getting one nice large picture for my mom. The pictures took forever, mostly because they were running 40 minutes behind, so we ended up being a half hour late for the birthday party. The party was for our sweet friend Becca who was celebrating her first birthday. The party was at Gymboree, and I think Lucy had more fun than anyone. Since Lucy and I used to go to My Gym I guess she had a pretty good idea of what to do. Tristan couldn't participate in quite as many activities as Lucy, but he did enjoy the "boat ride" and the see-saw. I thought the party was great. It didn't last very long, but at that age it doesn't need to. It was the perfect party for a one year old and her friends.
After the party we headed to Sarah's baby shower, which we were 45 minutes late for. I hate being late, and on Saturday I was late twice. Being late just stresses me out, but thankfully we were able to enjoy the shower. Sarah is actually a friend of my sister's, but I have gotten to know her as well and she and her husband James are going to be wonderful parents. I love baby showers and I'd be lying if I said my baby fever didn't go into overdrive as I watched her open her gifts. All the tiny little socks, bibs, and hooded towels were almost enough to make me go throw my BC in the trash when I got home- but I didn't. Michael and I have a deal, and trust me when I say it won't be long until I actually do get rid of it. But you didn't hear that from me.....
After the shower we headed to Sam's so I could pick up the cake and get punch ingredients. My sister and I decided neither of us were in the mood to cook, so we ordered takeout from Olive Garden and took it home to our husbands. By the time we got home Lucy was conked out- we just changed her diaper and put some pajama shorts on her. We didn't even change her shirt. The poor girl was exhausted!
I went to bed really early on Saturday night. On Sunday we went to church and then ate Japanese with some friends from church- and also made plans with the same friends for Cinco de Mayo! Everyone is going to take their favorite Mexican dish over to Thad and Darlene's and we're going to watch American Idol together. I'm really looking forward to that! We had plans to go to a movie with some couples from church on Sunday night but we all decided we were too tired. It was a busy, exhausting, fun-filled weekend.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
New Believers Gettin' Baptized.....
Sundays are by far my favorite day of the week. For starters I absolutely love going to church. I have never looked forward to church as much as I have over the past year. I have the most amazing church family in the world and FINALLY, I have truly learned to worship. Church is always followed by going out to lunch, which means I don't have to cook or clean up, and the Chambliss family Sunday routine includes a long nap - for all three of us- after lunch. What could be better? Sundays during football season, that's what. Even though my poor Jags were- well, poor- last year, I still love them. No matter how bad the season is going I have to watch. They're my home town team! The good news is that when football season is over we have NASCAR to entertain us/put us to sleep on Sunday afternoons. It's perfect!
Today the son of our dear friends Thad and Darlene was baptized. His name is Cole, he's eight years old, and he's the baby of the family. Because Michael and I work with the kids in our church we have grown extremely fond of Cole and have so enjoyed watching him grow from a three year old into an eight year old who truly loves the Lord with all his heart. After church this morning their family invited ours to go to lunch to celebrate Cole's baptism. On our way home I told Michael it must be a really nice feeling to know that all of your children have accepted Christ. To be the parents of three children who have made a conscious decision to follow Jesus has to be the most rewarding thing ever. We're a long way from that, obviously, since we only have one child, but I know that the time passes so quickly. Before we know it Lucy will be old enough to understand what it means to ask Jesus into her heart, and my daily prayer is that she will choose to accept Him and never look back. I realize how important it is that we start with the little things, like praying before a meal, which Lucy always does. Recently Lucy and I have started saying prayers at night and it's become one of the highlights of my day. It's simple right now. I tell her to say, "Dear Jesus, thank you for food. Thank you for my home. Thank you for my Daddy. Thank you for my Mommy. Please keep us safe. I love you Jesus. Amen." And she does it, in her adorable little voice. It melts my heart even though I'm telling her what to say. She may not understand it now, but one day she will, and I want to know that I planted the seed as early as I could.
As Craig Morgan says,
New believers gettin' baptized,
Mama's hands raised up high
I'm in a hallelujah good time,
A smile on everybody's face,
That's what I love about Sunday.
Today the son of our dear friends Thad and Darlene was baptized. His name is Cole, he's eight years old, and he's the baby of the family. Because Michael and I work with the kids in our church we have grown extremely fond of Cole and have so enjoyed watching him grow from a three year old into an eight year old who truly loves the Lord with all his heart. After church this morning their family invited ours to go to lunch to celebrate Cole's baptism. On our way home I told Michael it must be a really nice feeling to know that all of your children have accepted Christ. To be the parents of three children who have made a conscious decision to follow Jesus has to be the most rewarding thing ever. We're a long way from that, obviously, since we only have one child, but I know that the time passes so quickly. Before we know it Lucy will be old enough to understand what it means to ask Jesus into her heart, and my daily prayer is that she will choose to accept Him and never look back. I realize how important it is that we start with the little things, like praying before a meal, which Lucy always does. Recently Lucy and I have started saying prayers at night and it's become one of the highlights of my day. It's simple right now. I tell her to say, "Dear Jesus, thank you for food. Thank you for my home. Thank you for my Daddy. Thank you for my Mommy. Please keep us safe. I love you Jesus. Amen." And she does it, in her adorable little voice. It melts my heart even though I'm telling her what to say. She may not understand it now, but one day she will, and I want to know that I planted the seed as early as I could.
As Craig Morgan says,
New believers gettin' baptized,
Mama's hands raised up high
I'm in a hallelujah good time,
A smile on everybody's face,
That's what I love about Sunday.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A Hodge Podge
Yesterday Michael had to fly to Birmingham to pick up a car that he bought from his cousin. His car finally died, as I've been telling him it would for the past five years. He's one of those people who will drive a car until it completely falls apart and it drives me nuts! His car had really started to look and sound pitiful and I was secretly praying that it would just break down on the side of the road so he'd be forced to buy another one- and it finally did! Since he got up so early to catch his flight and then had to spend seven hours alone in a car I thought he'd be too tired to do anything, but he called me and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. I told him that was fine but we had plenty of food we could cook at home if he didn't feel like going anywhere. It's weird to me that we consider going out to eat less work than cooking. I mean, there are definitely days when I don't feel like cooking- and more importantly, don't want to clean up the mess- but is it really any less work than having to get ready to go somewhere, spend an hour deciding where to go (maybe that' s just us!), drive to the restaurant, and wait for a table?
Ultimately we decided to stay home for dinner. Michael said that he and Lucy wanted hamburgers and that he would grill some. I told him I did NOT want hamburgers but that I would be totally happy just eating leftover chicken and rice from the night before. Then I called my sister and asked if she wanted to come over since her husband was working. She came over and said she'd eat anything, and I took that literally. Our hodge podge of a menu ended up consisting of: hamburgers, french fries, chicken and rice, mac and cheese, cucumbers & vinegar, and yeast rolls. We obviously hate carbs.
This morning after breakfast Lucy went in my closet and found my Gator slippers.
Ultimately we decided to stay home for dinner. Michael said that he and Lucy wanted hamburgers and that he would grill some. I told him I did NOT want hamburgers but that I would be totally happy just eating leftover chicken and rice from the night before. Then I called my sister and asked if she wanted to come over since her husband was working. She came over and said she'd eat anything, and I took that literally. Our hodge podge of a menu ended up consisting of: hamburgers, french fries, chicken and rice, mac and cheese, cucumbers & vinegar, and yeast rolls. We obviously hate carbs.
This morning after breakfast Lucy went in my closet and found my Gator slippers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today I took Lucy to the library for the first time. It's kind of pathetic that I've never taken her before, especially since there are at least three libraries within ten minutes of my house. I've looked online at the children's schedules before and there has never been a story time that would work with my schedule unless I wanted to go to the main branch, which would require me to park in a downtown garage- and that's not happening! Today I finally decided that there doesn't have to be an event going on for us to go to the library, and we might as well take advantage of something we pay for anyway!
This morning I told Lucy we were going to the library and she said, "Library? Go get books?" I immediately thought (for only the 1000th time in her life) that she must be a genius. I've never told her what the library is before. I just told her we were going. Then I quickly remembered an episode of Caillou we've seen several times- where Caillou goes to the library and checks out books. So much for my child genius theory!
The whole time we were in the car on the way to the library Lucy said, "We're going to the library, Mommy. We get books. I'm excited. " It was so cute, and she really was excited. But first things first. We had to get Mommy a new library card, because Lord knows I haven't had one since high school! While we waited for my card Lucy talked to the lady who was helping us and told her we were going to get some books. We went to the children's section and I let Lucy pick out three books- and I let her pick out whatever she wanted. We ended up with "Bedtime, Nelly", "Waiting for Gregory", and "Never Take a Shark to the Dentist".
I'm excited that Lucy gets excited about reading. I'd say on an average day we read no less than six or seven books, but it was fun to turn Lucy's love of books into a Mommy/Daughter outing- and we'll be doing it again soon, I'm sure.
This morning I told Lucy we were going to the library and she said, "Library? Go get books?" I immediately thought (for only the 1000th time in her life) that she must be a genius. I've never told her what the library is before. I just told her we were going. Then I quickly remembered an episode of Caillou we've seen several times- where Caillou goes to the library and checks out books. So much for my child genius theory!
The whole time we were in the car on the way to the library Lucy said, "We're going to the library, Mommy. We get books. I'm excited. " It was so cute, and she really was excited. But first things first. We had to get Mommy a new library card, because Lord knows I haven't had one since high school! While we waited for my card Lucy talked to the lady who was helping us and told her we were going to get some books. We went to the children's section and I let Lucy pick out three books- and I let her pick out whatever she wanted. We ended up with "Bedtime, Nelly", "Waiting for Gregory", and "Never Take a Shark to the Dentist".
I'm excited that Lucy gets excited about reading. I'd say on an average day we read no less than six or seven books, but it was fun to turn Lucy's love of books into a Mommy/Daughter outing- and we'll be doing it again soon, I'm sure.
Playing on the Chick-Fil-A playground- we never go anywhere without going out to lunch!
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