I have to admit that I am one of the worst people in the world about buying into the commercialization of Christmas. I love everything about it, other than the fact that I barely have time to wash my hair during the holidays. Don't worry- I said barely. I promise that I do in fact wash my hair, even during this crazy time of year. I have not, however, had time to get my hair cut and highlighted and I had to cancel my appointment a couple of weeks ago because I simply didn't have time for it. That is ridiculous to me and I was disappointed because at my last appointment my hairdresser and I decided I would get red highlights, which would have been a first for me. I was so excited to have red highlights at Christmas time, but I guess it just wasn't in the cards this year. My life is too hectic.
What scares me is that my life is already too hectic at Christmas and I only have one child who isn't even in school yet. We haven't even gotten to the age where there are school parties, dance recitals (hypothetically), and Christmas pageants- although I am directing our church's children's Christmas play, so I guess I do have an idea of how those things go. I talk to friends who seem to have even more to do than I do and who work full time jobs and it makes me want to cry. I feel so bad for them because I know how busy my life is right now. I can't imagine having any more to do.
I still have a lot of shopping to do but thankfully we are waiting to do Christmas in Missouri when we go up there in January, so I don't have to freak out and try to get all that stuff bought and mailed by next week! I can't think of one day between now and Christmas that isn't chock full of activities and other than my cookies for our cookie exchange at church I haven't even done any baking yet. I bought a gingerbread house for Lucy and I to decorate and it's still sitting on the counter in it's box. Last night I bought the ingredients to make Monkey Munch to give to Lucy's day care teachers, but when am I going to make it? I will just have to pick something up for them while I'm finishing the rest of my shopping. So much for homemade gifts! There just isn't any time.
I bought a kitchen for Lucy several weeks ago and after a few conversations, Michael decided (against my better judgment) to upgrade Lucy to a much bigger, nicer play kitchen. He bought it over a week ago but the old kitchen still sits in the box in our house because I haven't taken it back to the store yet. There's no time!
When it all comes down to it, I'm thankful to have such a busy life- even if it means going four months without getting my hair highlighted! The hectic life I lead exists because I'm surrounded by so much love. Every activity that's penciled in on my calendar is there because someone cared enough to invite me to a party, or because God placed my beautiful little girl in my life, or because I want to give someone a gift just to show that I love them. Every year I say that this year will be different and that I'm going to focus on the true meaning of Christmas- the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But the miracle of Christmas can surely best be celebrated by spending time with the people we love. Sure, I'm tired and I would love to take a nap. But honestly, this happens once a year. I'll sleep in January.
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