I have really started feeling guilty about how little time I spend reading my Bible. And when I say little, I mean hardly ever. I pray a lot. I'm almost in a constant state of prayer. But if I'm not in the Word I can't possibly be fulfilling God's purpose for my life- at least not all of it. So I've decided that I'm going to start small and work my way up. I have never read the Bible in its entirety and my plan now is to do just that. I'm going to read it in chronological order, three chapters at a time. I started yesterday with Genesis 1-3, today I will read Genesis 4-6, and so on...until I finish. There may be days when I have the time to read more and I will, but my goal is to read no less than three chapters a day. I have no idea how long this will take, but I won't stop until I'm finished. If anyone feels like joining me, please feel free. It's always more fun to do things in a group!
Some girlfriends and I went to see the movie "Julie & Julia" last weekend and right away I started talking about how I can't wait to read the book. I love to read, and sometimes I will read for hours at a time because the book I'm reading is just so fabulous I can't put it down. Why don't I put the same effort into reading the Book that my beliefs are built upon, the Book that is the basis for who I am? The only answer I can come up with is that I'm a little lazy when it comes to spending time in the Word. Honestly, it's much easier to read fiction. It's easier to understand. I know that when I open my Bible not everything will always make sense to me. But that's okay. I'm not skilled to understand. I know that if I spend time reading the Bible every day God will bless me in some way and I will begin to walk closer to Him than I do now. I talk to Him daily. It's time for me to allow Him to speak to me through His perfect Word.